Weathering steels, such as ASTM A847, A588, A242, A606 and COR-TEN exhibit superior corrosion resistance over regular carbon steel as a result of the development of a protective oxide film on the metals surface which slows down future corrosion. A606-4 steel is available in metal roofing/siding panels, standing seam panels, flat sheets, and coil form. If you are looking for a panel that will give you a rustic look the two best options are bare cold rolled finish and A606. A606-4 will cost more, but it definitely will last longer. Original COR-TEN received the standard designation A242 (COR-TEN “A”) from the ASTM International Standards Group. Newer ASTM grades are A588 (COR-TEN “B”) which is normally heavier gauge plates and A606 for lighter gauge flat sheets. ASTM A847 is used for pipe and tube. All alloys are in common production and use.